Bradford on Avon Duck Race
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Every year, thousands flock to the town to take part or watch the spectacle that is the Bradford on Avonduck race.
Monday 1st April 2024 11:00 am – 1:30 pm
Rescheduled to Sunday 19th May
The race will begin at noon but we’ve organised fun and games from 10am at Westbury Garden.
Prizes this year include:
£180 worth of swimming lessons from Puddle Ducks
a £25 voucher from Timbrell’s Yarda prize from Dible & Roy
cake and coffee for 2 voucher from The Bolthole.
You can sponsor a duck and can from our Tourist Information Centre or any participating town centre business (to be confirmed) for £2 each.
We’re also happy to announce the return of the Business Duck Race.
During the Business Duck Race, local businesses will compete against one another for a chance to dethrone last year’s winners Dible & Roy.