Bath Rocks

Bath Soft Cheese Co

There's a reason why the Bath Soft Cheese Co is a steadfast favourite for families, and the clue is in the name - the cheese! But beyond excellent food, the Bath Soft Cheese Co also has idyllic scenery, cows, insight into how their cheese is made (animal welfare being of utmost importance here) and a cafe with a children's play area. You can also take a Bath Soft Cheese Tour to expand your pallet and learn a thing or two along the way.

Here's a little bit more about them from their website:

There is an old farming saying, "Look after your cows and your cows will look after you."

It goes to the heart of what happens here at Park Farm. We take a traditional approach both to how we raise and graze our small herd of 160 mainly Holstein Friesian cows and to our artisan, handmade, hands-on cheesemaking.

We are entirely organic and are registered with Organic Farmers and Growers - so that means no fungicides, pesticides or artificial fertilisers are used on our land. Instead we use manure and organic compost: the environment, the land and the waterways remain uncontaminated. Our milk and cheese is produced in a way that protects our natural world and lets every farm animal feel the sun on its back.

Of course, we do not avoid technology if it will contribute to our animals' welfare or will improve the quality of our cheese. We have a brand new milking parlour that allows our cows to produce one million litres of milk per year. Around 60% of this is turned into cheese in our state-of-the-art cheese facility, while the rest goes to another cheesemaker who uses it to make organic cheddar or to another producer who makes our delicious ice-cream. 

If you are interested in visiting us, you can pop along to our café for a toastie or to buy some cheese.

We also welcome educational visits from schools. Download our Teacher Information Pack to find out more.

Opening Hours

Monday09:30 - 17:00
Tuesday09:30 - 17:00
Wednesday09:30 - 17:00
Thursday09:30 - 17:00
Friday09:30 - 17:00
Saturday09:30 - 17:00
Sunday10:00 - 16:30

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